Monday, July 16, 2012

"Bring Catrina Home" Benefit

WOW!  I don't even know where to begin in attempting to describe what a blessed weekend we had!  So sorry for the delayed post, as I've been pretty crazy the past few weeks, but it is absolutely no bearing upon the outcome of the Benefit!

Despite the fact that the timing was rather close to the fourth of July, we had a pretty great turn out of about 65+ friends and family members.  There was plenty of yummy food to go around, including pulled pork, hamburgers, hot dogs, baked beans, broccoli salad, cole slaw, etc...  It was all incredible, but I have to admit that the desserts took the cake!  HA!  (That was for Eddie...  :-)

We all had a great time dining and socializing to the sweet piano sounds of John Flanagan on piano (Thanks John!), a beautiful duo of duets by John and Rudge, and wrapped up with some fun tunes by the Rowdy Mountain Boys (thanks ya'll!).

John Flanagan on piano

John and Rudge playing Ave Maria
Rowdy Mountain Boys livening up the place!

One other cool thing about this weekend was that we got to attend the closing ceremony of the Pickens View  Overboard Vacation Bible School on Sunday morning.  As always, it was a great time!  Much to our surprise, we were called to the front and told that the children's offerings for the week were going to our "Bring Catrina Home" fund!  Words can't even begin to describe how special this was to us!  Eddie and I have a heart for children's and youth ministry, so to know that the entire VBS had been praying for Catrina all week and taking money from their piggy banks to help bring our sweet girl home was overwhelmingly humbling!  It is SO beautiful to see how God will provide and often in the least expected of ways!

Between the t-shirt sales (more to come on that), puzzle piece sponsorships, silent auction purchaes, general donations, and the VBS children's offering, we raised just over $2100!  WAHOO!  This is definitely a great help!  Thanks so much to Mama, Tiff, Rudge, and Pickens View Wesleyan Church for hosting this great event and thanks to everyone who took the time to come out and celebrate with us!

Thanks for all your prayers and please do keep em coming!

Puzzle Piece Sponsorhip Table

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