Thursday, May 9, 2013

Haiti Bound & Praying for a miracle!

We haven't really had any news in quite some time (hence the lack of posts...)

This year, in just a few short weeks actually, Eddie will hit the big 4-0. When asked what he wanted to do to celebrate, the only thing that made sense was to go visit our girl...with his dad! So, here we are, sitting in the Miami airport, grandparents (Catrina's) in tow, waiting to board the next plane to Port Au Prince.

As of this week, we have been in IBESR for a year, with no news...but as always, God's up to something! He's up to something good!

We are meeting with our lawyer today at 1...and praying for and expecting a miracle! Please join us in prayer for this miracle and safe travels!

1 comment:

  1. Praying for abundant miracles. Hope you have had a safe journey and that you are enjoying time with your precious girl. Love you and miss you! Cathi
